Saving of around £4,000 - £10,000 per year at only £49.95/Month - not 16% every sale
Take unlimited commission free orders from your customers through your app!
Saving of around £4,000 - £10,000 per year at only £49.95/Month - not 16% every sale
Streamlined ordering, less time spent on the phone - more processing time
Your own management console. Make instant changes to your app's menu/configuration etc.
Most major platforms just refund instantly, no questions asked! With us, you're in control.
The best marketing available. Your message / offer straight into their pocket, instantly!
Keep your customers fully engaged with offers, new products, discounts etc.
How It Works?
Our progressive web apps (PWA) use the latest technologies, meaning that your app is available on any device running a modern browser (~Last 4 years), this means less barriers & hassle for your customers as they do not have to go through app stores and perform a download to get access to your app (your app is available at a regular URL or QR code just like a website) but with all the awesome features - Push notifications, add to home screen, launch screen, app icon etc
Every customer you switch to making orders through your app saves you money! While popular food ordering platforms charge you ~16% per order, with us you pay 0% commission. You pay one flat monthly support fee that keeps the services that your app runs on running!
Enter your phone number below and a member of our team will give you a call to find the solution that works best for your business
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